St Mary's CE Primary Moss Side

St Mary's CE Primary Moss Side

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St Mary's CE Primary School, Adscombe Street, Manchester, Lancashire, M16 7AQ

0161 226 1773

School Improvement

School Improvement Plan

The School Improvement Plan is a strategic plan for improvement. It should bring together, in a clear and simple way, the school's priorities, the main measures it will take to raise standards, the resources dedicated to these, and the key outcomes and targets it intends to achieve.
The purpose of the school improvement plan is to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the school so that greater numbers of students achieve proficiency in the core academic subjects of reading and mathematics.


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Outcomes for Pupils

Priority 1: Raise attainment and accelerate progress to be above the national average in all areas (Articles 28 and 29)

  • % of children achieving GLD in EYFS is at least at national average or above
  • Ensure the % of children making expected progress is above national at the end of each key phase
  • Ensure the % of children making better than expected progress is in line with that nationally in English and Maths
  • Ensure children in receipt of PP attain and achieve in line with all pupils nationally or above


Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Priority 2: Improve the quality of teaching and learning to raise pupils’ progress and standards of attainment (Articles 28 and 29)

  • That pupils respond to the advice given through a variety of feedback strategies so that they are able to learn from their mistakes.
  • Clear opportunities are given for pupils to practise writing and mathematics skills across the broader curriculum
  • To ensure stretch and support through diagnostics and evidence based practice  to support those more able or with SEND 
  • To build on the success of  "Talk for Writing" by enhancing  language support from entry to Nursery to Year 6 through oracy opportunities, evidence based intervention and early assessment 
  • All staff "teachers of reading" From EYFS to Upper Key Stage; to impact literacy gaps and early reading failure as well as support new arrivals quickly and effectively 

Personal Development, Welfare and Behaviour

Priority 3: Sustain the judgement that behaviour is outstanding and innovate pupil voice (Articles 3,19,28,29 and 36)

  • Develop pupil leadership at all levels, in particular in managing their own behaviour including learning behaviour – in class and at outside times
  • To develop peer mentoring across the school to ensure children are safe and accessing their rights at all times including playtime counselling
  • Develop a whole school approach to well being  through mindfulness, children’s rights, nurture  and positive relationships
  • Embed pupil parliament systems to ensure that there are clear lines of communication for pupil voice 


Leadership and Management

Priority 4: Leadership and management to sustain outstanding (Article 3)

  • Ensure monitoring is rigorous and impacts on standards through the systematic analysis of training , intervention impact and qualitative 
  • Executive Lead for Professional Development and Leadership to work closely on standards and team teaching and sharing opportunities as well as identifying training needs
  • To ensure leadership practices reflect and represent our staff community more clearly by increased opportunities to contribute and influence school priorities by all staff 
  • Outstanding practice is shared and consistently used across classes with a systematic and regularly timetabled approach 
  • To develop the use of SLEs (Specialist Leaders) internally and externally to support school improvement priorities 
  • Governance to sustain outstanding through NGA standards and development opportunities for succession planning as well as access to good practice locally and nationally 

Succession Planning

Priority 5: To develop the impact of key phase leadership and subject leads (Article 3)

  • Ensure that phase leaders contribute to the strategic overview of school improvement through contributing analysis and maximising leadership opportunities
  • Ensure the development of middle and senior leaders through a range of opportunities to include qualifications, study and experiences
  • To share experience across leaders and aspiring leaders through coaching and mentoring



Priority 6: To ensure that all those who work with children have their focus on children’s safety and well-being (Articles 3 and 19)

  • To continue to improve the educational opportunities for parents around their child’s welfare
  • To track the impact of pastoral support  through a variety of approaches to ensure analysis of improvement and use of resource 
  • To share policies and practices around safeguarding more rigorously with other stakeholders including parents and governors
  • Pupils to be key in producing child friendly policies and promoting child friendly messages for all age groups   


A Broad and Balanced Curriculum for all Children

 Priority 7: To develop a robust curriculum to widen the skills, knowledge & experience and to instil a love of learning (Articles 28 and 29)

  • To ensure all children have access to excellent quality curriculum experiences and teaching and learning
  • To have clear coverage in content  and closely monitored progression in the delivery of broader skills evidenced in planning and in books
  • To monitor breadth and depth of curriculum with leaders and subject leaders including support and stretch for children to be clearly evidenced 
  • Curriculum teams to regularly review standards and quality in books, blogs and lessons with senior leaders 
  • To develop an outstanding extracurricular offer to meet interests and be based in pupil choice 
  • Develop the child's "curriculum voice" as part of regular consultation 


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